We are a full service auto repair shop specializing in A/C and Auto Electric.
We service both foreign and domestic.
We Do - Brakes, Tune-Ups, Radiators, Starters, Alternators, Water & Fuel Pumps, CV Axles, and much more.
Physicians & Surgeons Equip & Supls-Whol The President of Able & Willing Med Supplies is Worthy Barnett Business classifications
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Don't forget that the most detailed information about Auto Repair Center in Houston you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1994
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General Information About Auto Repair Center r: http://NHoustonAutoRepair.com
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Veterans Memorial Dr 77014, (We are located in north Houston at 13001 Veterans Memorial Dr. 300 Houston, TX 77014. We are in the Mr. Self Storage complex next to Kroger.) 13001, Houston, Texas
More 2 addresses of the company in city Houston on the map
Auto Repair Center address
13001 Veterans Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77014 (We are located in north Houston at 13001 Veterans Memorial Dr. 300 Houston, TX 77014. We are in the Mr. Self Storage complex next to Kroger.) Phone: (281) 537-1626 Show
Auto Repair Center address
2522 Oakdale St Phone: (281) 537-1626 add. contacts: Show
Auto Repair Center address
1116 Wyatt St Phone: (281) 537-1626 add. contacts: Show