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Link Staffing Svc., Houston


Link Staffing Services is a leader in temporary staffing and productivity solutions. Link specializes in skilled crafts and trades, industrial and clerical solutions. Call 1-800-848-LINK (5465) or click here to learn more!

Employment Contractors-Temporary Help The President of Link Staffing Services is Dianne Gassman Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Employment
Management Level
Staffing Agencies The Manager of Link Staffing Svc. is Tannis Wiedeker Modeling Agencies The It professional of Link Staffing Services is LIZ SANCHEZ

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Link Staffing Svc. in Houston you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: Wilcrest Dr 77031, (Near Greater Fondren Southwest and Southwest Houston)
11809, Houston, Texas

More 4 addresses of the company in city Houston on the map

Link Staffing Svc. address

11809 Wilcrest Dr, Houston, TX 77031 (Near Greater Fondren Southwest and Southwest Houston)
Phone: (281) 564-5465, (713) 470-4707

Link Staffing Svc. address

1066 Federal Rd
Phone: 1-888-929-5465
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Link Staffing Svc. address

11500 Northwest Fwy Ste 100
Phone: 1-888-929-5465
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Link Staffing Svc. address

4740 Dacoma St Ste G
Phone: 1-888-929-5465
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Link Staffing Svc. address

461 Uvalde Rd, Houston, TX 77015 (Near Cloverleaf and Northeast Houston)
Phone: (713) 455-6700
add. contacts: facebook twitter googleplus linkedin cataloxy

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Category of Link Staffing Svc.:


employment agency, semi skilled labor, staffing agency, job, machinist, staffing agencies, industrial staffing, management level, jobs
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