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Cataloxy Houston...Companies in HoustonEducation, Training & OrganizationsSt. Agnes Academy

St Agnes Academy

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Located in Houston, Texas, St. Agnes Academy is an all girls Private Catholic College Preparatory High School, rooted in Dominican tradition.

At St. Agnes we know that when we each study, play, create, write, speak, serve, preach, and pray with our whole and authentic selves, we can all contribute more—more peace, more positivity, more service, more humility, more compassion, more curiosity, more ambition, more impact, more change.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about St Agnes Academy in Houston you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 9000 Bellaire Blvd, (Sharpstown)
77036, Houston, Texas
Opening hours:
Mon — Fri:from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, no break
Sat — Sun:closed
closed now

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